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SNMH-möte 2024, Linköpings universitet.

Welcome to

SNMH Network meeting hosted by the Centre for Medical Humanities and Bioethics (CMHB)

20-21 May

Kronan - Studenthuset, Campus Valla,

Linköping university

This network meeting seeks to enable a dialogue between the Swedish medical humanities field and that of other non-Anglosaxon medical humanities in Europe, i.e., European countries where English is not an official language (as these, at times, are less represented in medical/health humanities). We therefore welcome three international colleagues as keynote speakers: Māra Grīnfelde and Uldis Vegners, senior researchers at the University of Latvia and assistant professors at Riga Stradiņš University, and Professor Aristotle Tympas, National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens, to talk about their experiences of working within medical humanities.

During the meeting there are also slots available working on medical humanities in Sweden to present their research. In case we would receive more submissions than presentations slots priority, will be given to junior researchers. Each presenter will have 30 minutes at their disposal.

You are also most welcome to join the meeting without a presentation.


 May 20

[9.00-12.00 Special Issue Writing workshop. Please see separate information]

13.00-13.15 Welcome to the network meeting

13.15-14.15 Assistant Professor Māra Grīnfelde, Riga Stradins University and Assistant Professor  Uldis Vegners, Riga Stradins University, "The role of phenomenology in medical humanities: The case of vaccine hesitancy in Latvia."

14.15-14.45 Network member presentation


15.15-15.45 Network member presentation

15.45-16.15 Network member presentation

16.15-16.45 Network member presentation

16.45-17.15 Round table discussions

19.00 Dinner


May 21

 9.00-10.00 Professor Aristotle Tympas, National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens (hybrid) “AI techno-solutionism and the humanities: Reflections on ongoing research in the medical humanities in a southern European context

10.10-10.40 Network member presentation

10.40-11.20 Network member presentation


11.40-12.30 Network conversations and plans for the future

[13.30 – 16.00 Special Issue Writing workshop. Please see separate information]


Abstract submission for presentations during the meeting

Abstracts of up to 500 words should be submitted HERE by March 15. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of March 2024.


Kronan, Floor 6 Studenthuset, Campus Valla, Linköpings universitet.

How to get to

Campus Valla: https://liu.se/artikel/besok-linkopings-universitet

Kronan: https://link.mazemap.com/QTnsXvYF


Travels, accommodation and dietary preferences

For registration for network meeting and writing workshops, click HERE.

The network will be able to cover travel and accommodation expenses for a certain number of participants in the network meeting and priority will be given to those presenting either at the meeting or the writing workshops.


For information about accommodation and travels, please contact Erika.sigvardsdotter@idehist.uu.se

For information about abstract submission and programme, please contact cmhb@liu.se

19 december

SNMH-Möte, Göteborg: ”Science and Technology Studies (STS) as Resource for – and Challenge to – Medical Humanities. And Perhaps Vice Versa!”

9 oktober

Medical Humanities Doctoral Speakeasy